2x 5 litre Fermentation Buckets by Almost Off Grid. One has a solid lid, the other has a lid pre-bored with hole which is fitted with a grommet. One airlock is also included. These food grade primary fermentation vessels are for use in beer, wine & cider making. One brewing bucket has a tight-fitting lid with a bored hole, and is fitted with a grommet. The airlock supplied with the bucket and lid fits into the grommet. The airlock has a red dust cap designed to sit loosely on top of the airlock to keep out dust and fruit flies. The airlock cap is not designed to be tight fitting. The second brewing bucket has a tight-fitting lid with no hole. This is ideal for when you want a second bucket for processing your fruit or flowers when winemaking, or when you wish to bulk age your wine, beer, cider or mead in the vessel once fermentation has completely finished. These buckets are ideal if you prefer to ferment your homebrew in brewing buckets rather than demijohns. The bored lid avoids the need for a bung as the airlock fits directly into the vessel. The buckets are big enough for all 4.5 litre (6 bottle) wine kits.