Ways to save water at home - order your free water saving devices
There are many ways to save water at home. But did you know that households across much of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland can order a range of free insulation and water-saving devices from their water company free of charge, to save even more water?
Whilst the products are funded by the water companies, the water efficiency company Save Water Save Money manages the distribution of them.
Whilst the products are funded by the water companies, the water efficiency company Save Water Save Money manages the distribution of them.

Save Water at Home
We're with South East Water, and I ordered a box of devices to help us save water at home at no cost to us, not even the postage. As I've talked about on here before, we're aiming to achieve Net Zero for our business before 2030 and, because we live above the shop, whatever we do at home has an impact on the shop and vice versa. They arrived this morning, and we can't wait to use them all.
The free water saving devices you will be able to order varies by water company, and will depend upon where you live and what's available at the time. They may include some or all of the following:
* shower heads which help regulate water usage
* tap inserts to regulate water flow
* outdoor tap jackets to insulate the pipe around your outdoor tap, to prevent it freezing in cold weather
* tap aerators
* garden hose nozzles which also help to regulate flow
* a stick-on shower timer (yes please)
* Cistern bags which you place into your toilet cistern so each flush uses less water
* samples of water storing granules which release water to your plants as they need it, meaning you can water plants up to 75% less frequently, together with money-off vouchers for them
* Armaflex pipe lagging to insulate water pipes
* An inflatable bath buoy to raise the water level in the bath when you use less water to fill it. This can save up to 30 litres every bath time – while still giving your child a lovely splashy bath.
* A water detection probe stick to show you when your plants need watering
*Leakyloo detection strips to show whether the overflow in your cistern has a leak. Seemingly dribbles invisibly down the back of the pan and, if it's happening in your toilet, you could be wasting up to 400 litres of water a day. Who knew?
If you're with Bournemouth Water, Bristol Water, South East Water, South West Water or Yorkshire Water you can go straight here and enter your postcode. You will able to see what's available in your area, then enter your details to get them sent for free within 28 days. Ours came within a week.
If you're with Affinity Water, Cambridge Water, Dwr Cymru, Hafren Dyfrdwy, Portsmouth Water, SES Water, Severn Trent, South Staffs Water, Wessex Water, NI Water, Jersey Water, Scottish Water, Southern Water or Untied Utilities, you'll need to use Save Water Save Money's savings calculator to access the free devices. If you're with Anglian, Essex & Suffolk, Northumbrian or Thames Water, they are not part of Save Water Save Money's promotion, but you can sometimes get the freebies if you go direct to their websites.
If you're with Bournemouth Water, Bristol Water, South East Water, South West Water or Yorkshire Water you can go straight here and enter your postcode. You will able to see what's available in your area, then enter your details to get them sent for free within 28 days. Ours came within a week.
If you're with Affinity Water, Cambridge Water, Dwr Cymru, Hafren Dyfrdwy, Portsmouth Water, SES Water, Severn Trent, South Staffs Water, Wessex Water, NI Water, Jersey Water, Scottish Water, Southern Water or Untied Utilities, you'll need to use Save Water Save Money's savings calculator to access the free devices. If you're with Anglian, Essex & Suffolk, Northumbrian or Thames Water, they are not part of Save Water Save Money's promotion, but you can sometimes get the freebies if you go direct to their websites.
The above information was correct at the time of writing. If it doesn't seem to be at the time you are reading this, check out Save Water Save Money's website to find out about current availability.
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