Blackcurrant Wine Recipe
Our allotment blackcurrant bushes have produced a wonderful crop this year. Much as I love making jam, we rarely eat it. So instead, I dug out a Blackcurrant Wine Recipe. It is bubbling away right now.
Whilst we've made a lot of wines, beers and ciders over the years, I haven't made blackcurrant wine before. I have a lot of old books about wine making, and have consistently read that blackcurrant wine is one of the nicest country wines.
We started ours a week or so ago and it is now 'blooping' in the demijohn. The blackcurrant wine is a stunning colour and smells delicious. So I'm very optimistic about this one...
Blackcurrant Wine Recipe
- 900g Blackcurrants
- 1000g Granulated Sugar
- 3.8L Water
- 1 tsp Yeast Nutrient
- 1 tsp Pectolase (pectin enzyme)
- A 5g sachet of wine yeast, ideally one suitable for a red wine. We used GV11 Red Fruit Wine Yeast.
- Cleaner/steriliser designed for winemaking or Milton if you have some
- 1 Campden tablet
If you haven't yet got any wine making equipment, you don't need to spend a lot of money.
To start with you just need a bucket, a potato masher, a tea towel and a non metallic spoon. A few days after that you'll need a demijohn (ask around the family, someone's probably got one in their garage - more about sourcing glass demijohns here), a sieve and some muslin. The only bit of proper wine making equipment you can't get away without having then is an airlock and bung, which allows air out of the demijohn when your wine is fermenting but doesn't allow air and fruit flies in.
The most important thing is that you clean and sterilise everything. Bad bacteria is your homemade wine's worst enemy.
Sterilise everything that's coming into direct contact with your wine today, so the bucket, potato masher and non metallic spoon.
Remove the stems and leaves from the blackcurrants and rinse them well, I did it in a sieve under the tap in batches. Put them in the bucket and mash with the potato masher.
Boil the water, add the sugar and stir until the sugar has dissolved. When it's at room temperature, add the water to the blackcurrants in the bucket and stir. Mix in the pectolase (which still stop the fruit making your wine cloudy) and yeast nutrient.
Then sprinkle over the contents of the yeast sachet, and stir well. You'll notice after a few hours that the blackcurrants and yeast form a crust on the top of the liquid, this is normal and you will be dispersing it regularly by stirring.
5 days later
After 5 days, sterilise your demijohn, airlock & bung, and a large funnel. Strain the blackcurrants through the muslin into the demijohn via the sieve. I attach the muslin to the sieve with pegs to keep it in place, otherwise you need about 4 pairs of hands :)
Leave about 3 cm of space at the top of the demijohn to allow for fermentation. If for some reason you don't have enough liquid to reach that far up, top up with cold boiled or spring water.
Add water to the airlock, and fit the airlock and bung to the demijohn.
Your wine will now continue to ferment and, after a few hours, you'll notice air bubbles coming out of the airlock.
One month later
You now need to move the wine from the sediment, known as 'racking'. If you have a second demijohn, then you can simply transfer the wine from the first to the second using a syphon, leaving the sediment in the bottom of the first demijohn. If you don't, then sterilise your original bucket, transfer the wine (minus the sediment) into that. Discard the sediment, clean and sterilise your demijohn and then transfer the wine back into it.
6 months later
Now you're ready to bottle your blackcurrant wine, ideally in dark glass bottles rather than clear to protect the colour. Again ensure that everything is sterilised, including the bottles themselves.
I strongly recommend that you label your wine all the way through, saying the date that you did it. I know you think you'll remember but trust me: you won't !
One thing that I have consistently read is that blackcurrant wine needs to sit for at least 6 months in the bottle, ideally longer, as this is a wine that improves with age.
So we plan to do that.
Hi can I use consantrate juice to make blackcurrant wine.
Thanks for the great question Cristina. With these beautiful fruit wines, it is recommended that you store them long term in a dark place, ideally bottling them in dark glass which is why red wine doesn’t come in clear bottles.
Oh my goodness! This sounds amazing and relatively simple to make if you have the right equipment. Do you keep the demijohns and bottles in a dark room or are they ok to be in daylight?
Hi Claire, yes absolutely fine to use frozen fruit. It’s a useful way to build up a stash of fruit in the summertime when you’re picking, for example, blackberries and you haven’t quite got enough for a batch of wine. I just keep freezing every time I go blackberry picking and then make the wine when there’s enough. Blackcurrant and plum sounds delicious!
Hi there, just read you recipe for blackcurrant wine. I was given a bottle of blackcurrant amd plum, it’s beautiful so thought I’d have a go. Would it be OK to use frozen fruit?? Fresh can be difficult to get certain times of the year. Thanks 🍷😋